Life Saver – Blood Donation App

Ever wondered about who can donate blood when you are in a medical emergency!!! Or who can receive blood from you in an emergency!!!
Life Saver is an application that helps you keep connected with individuals in need of blood and who are willing to donate blood. Application basically brings together those who seek for blood and blood donors.
In Life Saver, Blood donors can register their details in the application and make themselves available for blood donation. Donors can be aware of the next donation eligibility date. People who need urgent blood can search for donors, by sending urgent blood requests via the application and also stating their exact location. Users who need urgent blood can directly contact the donors by SMS or by calling them. Donors and receivers can share the blood donation details over social media. Life Saver maps you to the nearest hospital for those who are urgently seeking blood or those who have an emergency and is trying to locate the nearest hospital. Application enables you to use this app to import contacts of friends that are registered with Life Saver, from your cell phone contacts list making it easier to call friends in times of need.
Life Saver is developed in Android Platform. We will soon be releasing the iPhone version of the App. Checkout Life Saver today and share your email id, we would send you the beta invite.
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